Improvised avocado spread

It’s a shame not to use ripe avocado’s when they’re lying around in the kitchen, waiting to go bad. So after some rather improvised guacamole last night (it’s really not the same without fresh tomatoes and cilantro) I opened the fridge and tried to find something good to spread on my lunch rolls. That’s when I came up with this spread, made from a very ripe avocado and some fridge leftovers.

Ingredients (for about 3 rolls-both sides worth of spread):

1 very ripe avocado
2 heaped tablespoons of fresh goat cheese (the kind from the plastic pyramids is fine, it’s what I happened to have in store)
2 heaped teaspoons of basil paste/pesto (my secret fridge stash that I made from this year’s basil harvest)
salt and pepper
rolls and some extra lettuce/tomatoes

Mix and crush the ingredients for the spread together, season to taste with salt and pepper. Spread them on some delicious rolls and add some lettuce or tomato to the plate for extra vegetables. Enjoy!

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